Mar 14, 2008


Listen up folks... i'm gonna make this short. I just watched David Tutera's Show - The Party Planner on travel n living channel, and guess what... they served Chicken SATAY on the menu!! When i mean SATAY, i mean it as Indonesian's traditional SATE and they even called it SATAY! I see that those bule guests just loooove to eat that! Wew! Isn't cool?!

But i'm affraid that Malaysia soon will claimed SATAY as their traditional food!
Frikin' Maling...!

2 lullabies from others:

Silvianty said...

Ehhh di singapore aja ada jual Padang Satay....tapi yang jual kayaknya bukan orang Indonesia. Tapi ngga papa deh...minimal ada embel-embel dari mana satay itu berasal...hehehehe.

Miss de Saire said...

iyaa, kalo di sekitar asia tenggara terutama s'pore n malay, sate mah masih beredar ya cip..
Cuma ini acara Party Planner dan mereka milih traditional SATAY buat menunya.. hebat juga tuh bule2, hihihi