i was just doing a quick browse on my notebook when i found a lot of my design collection back then. I used to do a lot of design during those years.. infact, i used to be a freelance designer for some distribution Stores *distro* in Bandung *yang sangat menjamur ituuu* and other time i can be a designer for everything-i-can-do, if my freinds need my hand. Well, i'm not saying that i'm a pro designer... actually i never had basic formal skill such as design diploma or a short course as for my background. That time, I was totally focus to the S.H thing and juggling between my daily life and my schools. So i guess, i was just have this-very-lil-sense-of-art-with-very-lil-capability-on-using-those
-softwares-and-combine-with-my-mood, instead of being a pro one.
It's a hobby. As a matter of fact, i don't really care about the pay, i do it for my self.. for my pleasure especially for mental healing...
Today, it's not that i neglecting my old hobby since i found a new one *which is scuba diving!!*, but i just don't have much time anymore for that.. You see, living in Jakarta means you have to face a very limited time with lots activities. The only way i can do design thing is after office hour and sometimes the mood for design itself has gone when i reached home... Gone along with Jakarta's traffic jam! *Arrrghh... hate the traffic!*
If only i have more times...
Oneday, my sister asked me, what if i do some designs for this company (where she works now), and then i think, if the pay's worth, then i'll do it. This time i won't do it as a hobby.. It depends on how much they will pay me. Why? I just tried to make this hobby into a pro one isntead of wasting my mood because of Jakarta's traffic. Who knows... i can earn much money from it...
5 lullabies from others:
pas banget sih!!! td baru aja pas lunch d mal PIM 1 gw br ngliat org pake kaos hasil design lo itu, the ones you designed for ur sis' company! Gw "ngeh" krn pernah liat lo post di blogger ini, trus td kebetulan temen gw blg : eh cewe meja sblah kaosnya keren, kaos company *where ur sister works* itu keren ya!
trus pas gw liat, eehhh....itu kan design elo? hehehe...
kaosnya berkerah yg warna putih.
lo musti bangga dong ;)
*for weird unexplainable reason, i suddenly felt proud for you krn hasil design elo di puji orang, pdhl gw ktemu lo aja ga pernah hahaha...*
really??? Thanks Lind!
Padahal bagi gue itu disain minim sekali loh ;p
Tapi emang paling seneng kalo ngeliat ada orang yg make baju hasil disain diri sendiri..lebih seneng daripada terima bayarannya, heueuheu
belajar desain darimana? gw malah pgn belajar desain kaos sendiri, biar ga pasaran :)
Seperti yang pernah aku bilang sebelumnya...Law People with desgin talent...great combo!! hehehehe. Hebat kak Aya...punya sense of art. Darimana datangnya kak?...sering baca buku desain?...atau memang natural talent?...hmm hmmm hebat. Software andalannya apa aja kak????
@ Syl'v:
Belajar otodidak doang gw. Dulu suka nanya2 temen yg anak disain ITB cara make softwarenya..hehehe.. Sini gw dibikinin disain kaosnya, harga negotiable deh =)
hehehe thank's ya cip..mungkin bakat terpendam dan salah jurusan wkt kuliah kali yak? hihi.. Softwarenya banyak, mulai dari grup adobe, corel, sampe flash. seumur2 cuma punya 1 biji buku contoh2 disain, sisanya mengandalkan kemampuan otak merekam apa yg pernah diliat, huehuhueue...
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