I just re-watched my wedding video for (maybe) the hundred times, and suddenly the tears fell down from my eyes. Only this time, it wasn't a happy tears. I was so sad and mourn and cried.
On the video, the director captured many good moments of our parents, including my father in law. I see that he was smiling a lot and to be honest, i never see him as happy as that day. My wedding was 7 months ago, and there was nothing wrong with his health neither with his body at that moment. He was strong, healthy and handsome just like other captain of boeing 747 (yes, on April '09, he still flew boeing 747 to every part of this world).
I still remember when he said clearly to me, when i had to do "the sungkeman" part to him: "Aya, Papa restui pernikahan kamu. You are part of our family, and you are my daughter now."
And i cried at that moment.
It is now sad for me to see his condition, the only thing he can do is lying on the bed, with hard breathing and sometimes whispering instead of screaming when fighting the pain.
The damned cancer has spread all over his body.
Tonight, right before i went home from the hospital, eventhough Papa cannot speak well, (udah nggak bisa ngomong dengan jelas, karena lidahnya udah kelu dan turun ke dalam), he whispered to me: "take care your self aya, kamu jangan sampai sakit tifes lagi ya." And then i promised him, i kissed his hand, and went straight outside the room before my tears burst out in front of him.
For you folks who happens to be my facebook friends, please fell free to watch my mini wedding clip, so you can see how happy my father in law was and how healthy he was.
Dear Papa, i pray every night for you, and may Allah give you His bless every minute.
5 lullabies from others:
it's very sad...honestly i had tears when i read this post of yours...
moga2 kalian sekeluarga tetap tabah ya apapun yg terjadi, there's a plan for everyone's fate...just have faith that HE always has the best plan for each one of us...
Soraya yang tabah ya...salam buat Mas Merdi dan Keluarga...Lots of Pray for You and Your Family....
Dear Linda & keke,
Makasih banyak atas supportnya ya, walaupun hanya lewat doa, tapi itu sangat berarti buat kami sekeluarga.
May God bless all of us...
masih gak percaya kalo dalam tempo 2,5 bulan penyakit kanker itu bisa nyerang seganas itu. April masih terbang, kan? Dan 11 juli he past away?! Semoga Allah menjadikannya sebagai salah satu penghuni surga. Amiiin.
actualy, kata dokter cancernya udah lebih dari 10thn mba, karena udah nyebar kemana2 dan ganas sekali.. tapi baru ketaun 2,5 bulan.
Hebatnya, papa selama itu nggak pernah dikitpun ngerasa sakit ato ngerasa ada masalah dibadannya. He was very very very strong man..
Terimakasih atas doanya mba.. Amin. Biar Allah yang membalas doa baiknya mba Inge karena aku ngga akan bisa balas.. =))
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