Jul 9, 2009

Dear Mother Of Indonesia...

I'm so sory for not using my right to vote our presidential election yesterday. I know that i'm unpatriotic beyond belief maybe because i'm half caucasian. But once again, It's not that i purposely did it, it is due to the very very worst administration process/birokrasi-parah-abis-jek in our government office, thus, my name was not registered in either Jakarta, Medan (where my parents now having it as their official resident) or even RIAU, as i'm still a RIAU pasport holder and my KTP is still resgistered in kantor camat Mandau, Riau.

This, I don't understand from my country. How bad is that, huh?

Anyway, dispite from my unability for "tidak ikut serta nyontreng", i'm glad to know that up to now (of course eventhough such result is still temporary which i know from LSI "quick count"), my fave candidate of 2009-2014 president still sits in the highest rank compare to other candidates.

So, as a closing note, may i add the new favorite line o' mine... LANJUTKAN!!

I still HEART you, Indonesia. Because you're the only country that provides many many many unhealthy yet VERY DELICIOUS kaki lima foods which give your resident the very popular "TIPUS".

3 lullabies from others:


samaaa gw jg ga nyontreng hahaha...
klo gw, lbh karena gw males berusaha mendaftarkan diri...sbnrnya sih bisa proaktif mendaftar sndiri kan :P
soalnya ga mo repot mikirin mo milih yg mana hihihi....

Ingerosalina said...

hahahha,..kalimat penutupnya bener-bener curahan hari mantan pasien rawat inap. Geli ngebacanya Ya..

Miss de Saire said...

@Linda: howly mowly woman! you aren't a good citizen! hahahahaha...

@mba inge: tapi nasi goreng kaki lima, siomay dan segala macem gorengan di gerobak emang paling TOP sedunia kan mba :P
kebab or hotdog booth, lewaaaaat! hahahaha